SUGAR GROUP – Statement regarding AI and Reservation of Rights

Responsibly produced AI tools have significant potential for the music sector. The rights of all those involved in creating and distributing music must be respected and licensed specifically in advance.

The following express reservation of rights is made by Sugar Group, including all the companies of the group and their subsidiaries, affiliates and parent companies (“SUGAR”).

Without prejudice to any reservation of rights that SUGAR may have made or may make elsewhere, and without prejudice to SUGAR’s rights at law or otherwise, SUGAR reaffirms and confirms: 

  1. that any past, present or future access to, and use of, any of the works or content owned or controlled by SUGAR (including audio or audio-visual recordings, compositions, lyrics, artwork, photographs, images and likenesses, data, metadata, etc.) (“SUGAR Content”) for the purpose of reproducing, performing, distributing, linking to or ingesting, machine learning or any AI training, development or commercialisation of AI systems, tools or technology, web scraping, ripping, recording, altering, making extracts or derivatives, crawling, text or data mining or similar purposes, and by any means (including by automated means), is prohibited, to the fullest extent permitted under any applicable law, except as specifically and explicitly authorised by SUGAR in advance in the form of a written license; and
  2. that, except to the extent that rights are expressly and specifically licensed or authorized in advance by SUGAR in respect of SUGAR Content, SUGAR expressly reserves all rights in respect of the use of SUGAR Content, including without limitation under Article 4 of the European Union Directive 2019/790/EC, Article 70-quater of the Italian Copyright Law (633/41) or similar laws in any other jurisdictions (to the extent that such Articles would apply to the above uses, an interpretation we do not agree with). Our reservation applies to all content owned or controlled by SUGAR, now or in the future, including where this content may be identified through publicly available means.

Any unauthorized use of SUGAR Content unreasonably prejudices the legitimate interests of SUGAR and its artists, authors, composers and songwriters, and conflicts with the normal exploitation of the SUGAR Content. We will therefore take the necessary steps to prevent the infringement of our rights.

Please contact us as regards any licensing requests at  

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Privacy & Cookies Policy; Whistleblowing; AI – RESERVING RIGHTS